(click on hyperlink for enlargement and description of photo)


Don M. Chance, Ph.D., CFA

Norman V. Kinsey Distinguished Chair in Finance
& Professor of Finance
Louisiana State University
 ORCID:  0000-0003-4334-4703

(For those wanting to connect with me on LinkedIn, please see this item.)


 image of DMC playing at Hilton Sandestin 3-31-23
Contact Information:
Office:  2909 Business Education Complex
Phone:  225-578-0372
Fax:  225-578-6366
email:  dchance@lsu.edu
(If I do not know you and you email me, please identify yourself and be polite)
Snail Mail Address:
Department of Finance
2909 Business Education Complex
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA  70803


Fall 2024 Teaching Schedule:
FIN 3910:  Risk and the Psychology of Finance

T:  3:00 - 5:50


FIN 7855:  Seminar in Quantitative Finance and Derivative Pricing

Th, 9:00 - 11:55


Fall 2024 Office Hours:

Don M. Chance, Ph.D., CFA, holds the Norman V. Kinsey Distinguished Chair in Finance at the E. J. Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University. He previously held the James C. Flores Endowed Chair of MBA Studies and the William H. Wright, Jr. Endowed Chair for Financial Services at LSU, and the First Union Professorship in Financial Risk Management at Virginia Tech. Prior to his academic career, he worked for a large southeastern bank. He has been a visiting scholar at universities in Hong Kong, Australia, Korea, Singapore, Scotland, and in the U. S. 

Professor Chance has had numerous articles published in academic and practitioner journals and has authored five books: An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 10th ed. co-authored with Robert Brooks, Essays in Derivatives:  Risk Transfer Tools and Topics Made Easy (2nd ed.), Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program, Financial Risk Management:  An End User Perspective, and Foundations of the Pricing of Financial Derivatives::  Theory and Analysis, co-authered with Robert Brooks.

He has extensive experience conducting professional training programs and serving as an expert witness through his LLC, Omega Risk Advisors. He has also been heavily involved in the derivatives and risk management curriculum in the CFA program, for which he was recognized with the C. Stewart Shepard Award. He is a member of LSU's Supplemental Retirement Plan Oversight Committee. He introduced the proposal to convert LSU's grading system to the Plus-Minus model and chaired the university's promotion and tenure committee for several years.  

In his spare time he performs as a solo guitar, keyboard, and vocal act. He owns 20 musical instruments. He has traveled to more than 50 countries, and in March, 2016 he completed a 26-mile hike on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. He also authored a novel, The Assignment, which is set in a university and is available at this link on Amazon. He also publishes a quarterly newsletter for laypersons available here.

Previous and Visiting Positions:
Fall, 2015       Visiting scholar, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fall, 2014       Visiting scholar, University of Macquarie, Sydney, Australia
Fall, 2014       Visiting scholar, National University of Singapore
Fall, 2013       Visiting scholar, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Fall, 2006       Visiting scholar, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Spring, 2002  Visiting scholar, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Spring, 1999  Visiting scholar, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Scotland
Fall, 1994       Visiting scholar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1996-2003     First Union Professor of Financial Risk Management, Virginia Tech
1989-1996     Professor of Finance, Virginia Tech
1983-1989     Associate Professor of Finance, Virginia Tech
1980-1983     Assistant Professor of Finance, Virginia Tech

Google Scholar citations page link

SSRN (Social Sciences Research Network) page link



My Academic Vita and Related Information

Go to this site and you there is a link wher eyou can download my vita. THere is also informaiotn and links to books I have authored.


Shameless Self Promotion of My Books

An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 10th ed. (Cengage, 2015)

Publisher Site
Amazon site

Essays in Derivatives:  Risk Transfer Tools and Topics Made Easy, 2nd. ed. (JOhn Wily, 2008)

Publisher site  
Amazon site 

Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program (CFA Institue, 2003)

Amqzon site

Financial Risk Management:  An End User Perspective (World Scientific Press, 2019)

Publisher site
Amazon site 

Foundations of the Pricing of Financial Derivatives: Theory and Analysis (John Wiley, 2024)

Publisher site
Amazon site 


Research Material:

Link to this site for various research-related items (collections of links, journals, bibliographies, reading lists, etc.)

Special item:  In April 2024 I finished a paper on the risk management of Covid, which looks at the parallels of how Covid risk was managed versus best practices of how financial risk is managed. The paper is unquestionably critical of the public health establishment. SSRN (Social Science Research Network), which is a repository for research in progress, would not accept the paper for inclusion in its database. Is SSRN engaged in censorship? Read here. And download the paper here.


Instructional Material:

Link to this site for a collection of short technical notes on derivatives, class-related material, and other pedagogical odds and ends.  Lots of good free stuff.  People seem to really like this material.


Miscellaneous Professional Material

Link to this site for an assortment of professional items, mostly related to derivatives, finance, and academics.

You may be especially interested in my Academic Scandals web site, which provides brief write-ups and links to stories of badly behaving professors, deans, and administrators.


My Quarterly Newsletter

Click here


Personal Stuff

Just some stuff I compiledrevealing my other side(s):




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Last updated:  July 6, 2024