Don M. Chance Web Vita

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Note:  To obtain a listing of my published articles, download my c.v.

Since the following links are not on my pdf c.v., they are provided here.

Links to My Books

Some of these items can be ordered. Feel free to do so since (or in spite of the fact that) I make a little money off of some of them. Links are provided to the publishers' home pages.

Foundations of the Pricing of Financial Derivatives:  Theoyr and Analysis.   NewYork:  John Wiley (forthcoming, 2023)   With Robert Brooks.

Financial Risk Management:  An  End User Perspective.  Singapore:  World Scientific Publishing.  Forthcoming (2019)

The Assignment (fiction).  Seattle:  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (2019).

Essays in Derivatives:  Risk-Transfer Tools and Topics Made Easy, 2nd ed..  New York:  John Wiley (2008), 414 pp. First edition published as

An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, 10th edition, Mason, Ohio:  Cengage (2016), 583 pp., co-authored with Robert Brooks;

(This list is not exchaustive, but others are old and out of print.)


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Last updated:   April 6, 2024