This bibliography contains articles that deal with research on finance as an academic discipline. In other words, these articles do not deal with the subject of finance itself, but rather the issues that arise when academic finance is one's profession. The classifications are quite arbitrary, but should serve to help the user identify articles on certain general topics. There is a large body of research of this type in economics that can be particularly useful to us in finance, but with just a few exceptions I have not cited this literature.
Some other good sites for budding academics in finance (as well as veterans) are the Ohio State finance site list and
Academic Finance as a Career
Arnold, T., R. P. H. Fishe, and A. Schwartz. "Salary Inversion in Business
Schools: Does a Rising Tide Lift all Boats?" Journal of Financial
Education 38 (Fall/Winter, 2012), 1-17.
Bertin, W. J. "Money, Mobility, and Motivation in the Academic Finance Labor Market." Financial Review 18 (1983), 336-341.
Bertin, W. J. and T. L. Zivney. "The Determinants of Finance Faculty Salaries: The 1991-1992 FMA Salary Survey." Financial Practice and Education 2 (1992), 19-30.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker, T. L. Zivney and S. Sundaram. "Financial Management (1972-1994): A Retrospective." Financial Management 24 (1995), 42-53.
Bures, A. L. and H.-M. Tong. "Assessing Finance Faculty Evaluation Systems: A National Survey." Financial Practice and Education 3 (1993), 141-144.
Chan, K. C. and R. C. W. Fok. "Membership on Editorial Boards and Finance Department Rankings." The Journal of Financial Research 26 (2003), 405-420.
Chan, K. C. and C. Shum. "The Importance of Practical Experience for Academic Finance Professionals: A Self-Assessment." Financial Practice and Education 5 (1995), 90-95.
Coe, R. K. and I. Weinstock. "Evaluating the Finance Journals: The Department Chairman's Perspective." Journal of Financial Research 6 (1983), 345-349.
Cooley, P. L. "Survival Strategies for the Fledgling Finance Professor." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 8-17.
Eaton, T. V. and J. R. Nofsinger. "The New and Relocating Finance Faculty Market: Factors Affecting Job Selection." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 99-110.
Fishe, R. P. H. "What are the Research Standards for Full Professor of Finance?" The Journal of Finance 53 (1998), 1053-1079.
Groff, D. C. and D. A. Nast. "An Examination of Finance Department Chair Roles, Perceptions, and Attitudes." Journal of Financial Education 31 (Winter, 2005), 24-49.
Hamermesh, D. S. "The Young Economist's Guide to Professional Etiquette." Journal of Economic Perspectives 6 (Winter, 1992), 169-179.
Henderson, G. V., Jr., G. K. Ganesh, and P. R. Chandy. "Across-Discipline Journal Awareness and Evaluation: Implications for the Promotion and Tenure Process." Journal of Economics and Business 42 (1990), 325-352.
Hibbert, A. M., E. R. Lawrence, and A. J. Prakash. "Do Finance Professors Invest Like Everyone Else?" Financial Analysts Journal 68 (May/June, 2012), 95-105.
Hoffmeister, J. R. and E. A. Dyl. "Financial Management Association - The First Ten Years: An Assessment of Meeting and Journal Participation." Financial Management 10 (1981), 105-111.
Kamath, R. and H. H. Meier. "Titled Positions in Finance in the United States: An Examination of the 1994-2003 Developments." Journal of Applied Finance 16 (Spring/Summer, 2006), 115-124.
Kaufman, G. G. "Rankings of Finance Departments by Faculty Representation on Editorial Boards of Professional Journals: A Note." The Journal of Finance 39 (1984), 1189-1197.
Keys, P. and P. A. Turner. "Women as Finance Academics: Role Models and Researchers." Journal of Financial Education 32 (Summer, 2006), 1-19.
Lahey, K. E. and J. L. Vihtelic. "Finance Faculty Demographics, Career History, Diversity, and Job Satisfaction." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 111-122.
Manakyan, H. and J. R. Tanner. "A Survey of Finance Faculty on the Relationship Between Research Productivity and Perceived Teaching Effectiveness." Journal of Financial Education 20 (1991), 27-39.
Sweetser, A. G. "The Financing of the Seven Academic Finance Associations and Their Journals." Financial Management Tenth Anniversary Edition 10 (1981), 71-92.
Sweetser, A. G. and G. H. Petry. "A History of the Seven Academic Finance Associations and Their Contributions to the Development of the Discipline." Financial Management Tenth Anniversary Edition 10 (1981), 46-70.
Swidler, S. and E. Goldreyer. "The Value of a Finance Journal Publication." The Journal of Finance 53 (1998), 351-363.
Schinski, M., A. Kugler, and W. Wick. "Perceptions of the Academic Finance Profession Regarding Publishing and the Allocation of Credit in Coauthorship Situations." Financial Practice and Education 8 (Spring/Summer, 1998), 60-67.
N. Tripathy and G. K. Ganesh. "Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of Finance Faculty: The Evaluators' Perspective. "Financial Practice and Education 6 (Spring/Summer, 1996), 46-53.
Zivney, T. L. and S. Sundaram. "Kissing Cousins or Distant Kin? The Relationship Between Finance and Economics." Journal of Economic Education 26 (1995), 59-79.
Finance Doctoral Education
Alpert, F. and T. H. Eyssell. "Getting the Most from Your Doctoral Program: Advice for the Ph.D. Student in Finance." Journal of Financial Education 21 (Fall, 1995), 12-20.
Bamberry, N.-J., T. W. Miller, Jr. and L. Skow. "Instructional Training for Doctoral Students." Journal of Financial Education 21 (Fall, 1995), 21-28.
Corrado, C. J. and S. P. Ferris. "Journal Influence on The Design of Financial Doctoral Programs." The Journal of Finance 52 (1997), 2091-2102.
Shin, T. S. and E. T. Hubbard. "Current Status of Doctoral Programs in Finance." Journal of Financial Education 17 (1988), 64-79.
Shum, C., K. C. Chan, and S. Thapa. "Finance Faculty Perception of Teaching, Research, and Service Performance Evaluation." Journal of Financial Education 35 (Spring, 2009), 42-65.
Taggert, Robert A. "Passages in Academic Life and the Field of Finance." Journal of Applied Finance 13 (Spring/Summer 2003), 72-76.
Getting an Academic Finance Job
Berting, W. J. and T. L. Zivney. "The New Hire Market for Finance: Productivity,
Salaries and Other Market Factors." Financial Practice and Education
1 (1991), 25-34.
Cheng, L. T. W. and W. N. Davidson, III. "The Characteristics of Job Applicants for Finance Faculty Positions: 1986-1992." Financial Practice and Education 5 (Fall/Winter, 1995), 18-29.
Claiborn, S. A. and J. M. Collins. "The Entering Job Market for Careers in Finance." Journal of Financial Education 7 (1978), 25-29.
Dyl, E. A. and J. R. Hasselback. "The Hiring of Women in Finance Acadmia." Journal of Financial Education 24 (1998), 1-7.
Mukherjee, T. K., J. Farhat, and C. Cotei. "Factors Explaining the Results of Job Search by 2002 FMA Job Applicants: A Survey." Journal of Financial Education 32 (Spring, 2006), 1-22.
Taube, P. M. and D. N. MacDonald. "The Job Market for Finance Ph.D.'s." Journal of Financial Education 18 (1989), 54-59.
Tomkins, J. G., IV, H. M Hermanson and D. R. Hermanson. "Expectations and Resources Associated with New Finance Faculty Positions." Financial Practice and Education 6 (1996), 54-64.
On Doing Research in Finance
Bertin, W. J. and T. L. Zivney. "University Library Collections of Financial Periodicals." Financial Practice and Education 4 91994), 99-105.
Bower, R. S., J. E. Finnerty, J. D. Finnerty, W. R. McDaniel and J. L Stevens. "Protocol, Etiquette, and Responsibilities of Reviewers in Finance." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 18-24.
Dewald, W. G., J. G. Thursby and R. G. Anderson. "Replication in Empirical Economics: The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Project." American Economic Review 76 (September, 1986), 587-603.
Hempel, G. H. "Teaching and Research in Finance: Perceptions, Conflicts, and the Future." Financial Management 12 (1983), 5-10.
Hubbard, R. and D. E. Vetter. "Replications in the Finance Literature: An Empirical Study." Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 30 (1991), 70-81.
Jacob, N. L. "The Future of Research in Finance." Financial Review 13 (1978), 76-79.
Stout, D. E. and J. L. Heck. "The Need for Replication and Extensions in Financial Education Research: An Editorial Comment." Journal of Financial Education 21 (Fall, 1995), 9-11.
Zeikel, A. "Future Research in Finance." Financial Review 13 (1978), 79-85.
Zivney, T. L., W. J. Bertin and E. B. Hutchinson. "Jack of All Trades: Can the Economist Compete in Finance Research?" Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 27-36.
On Getting Published in Finance Journals
Bowen, R. M. and G. L. Sundem. "Editorial and Publication Lags in the Accounting and Finance Literature." Accounting Review 57 (1982), 778-784.
Chow, C. W., M. M. Haddad, H. O. Hunter, and C. Venable. "Approaches to Generating Ideas for Research and Publication: Insights from Conversations with the "Elite" of Finance." Journal of Financial Education 27 (Fall, 2001), 1-11.
Cooley, P. L. and J. L. Heck. "Significant Contributions to Finance Literature." Financial Management 10 (1981), 23-33.
Flagg, D., O. W. Gilley, and J. C. Park. "Job Market Signaling: What Drives the Productivity of Finance Ph.D.s?" Financial Management 40 (Summer, 2011), 483-513.
Frankfurter, G. M. and W. E. Lane. "The Role of Annual Conferences in Academic Research, with Evidence on the Perceived Traits of Discussants." Financial Practice and Education 3 (1993), 7-13.
Haddad, K. M. "The Time Requirements of Publishing in Finance Journals: A Survey of Experienced Authors." Financial Practice and Education 8 (Fall/Winter, 1998), 70-73.
Hammelman, P. W. and E. M. Mazze. "Citation Patterns in Finance Journals." The Journal of Finance 29 (1974), 1295-1301.
Heck, J. L. and P. L. Cooley. "Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: A Half Century of Contributors." Journal of Finance Literature 1 (Winter, 2005), 46-69.
Henderson, G. V., Jr. and W. Reichenstein. "Advice from the Elite of Finance." Financial Practice and Education 8 (Spring/Summer, 1998), 51-56
Henderson, G. V., Jr. and W. Reichenstein. "Writing for Professional Journals." Financial Practice and Education 6 (Spring/Summer, 1996), 65-72.
Hermanson, D. R. and J. R. Tompkins. "The Peer Review Process in Finance Journals." Journal of Financial Education 34 (Fall, 2008), 1-27.
Jackson, D. O. and C. J. Brown. "The Impact of Experience and Training on Finance Faculty Research." Advances in Financial Education 7 (Summer/Winter 2009), 15-33.
Mitenko, G. R. and J. M Diamond. "Publications Policies and Practices of Major Finance Journals: A Survey of Editors." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 88-93.
Pettijohn, J., G. Udell, and S. Parker. "The Quest for AACSB Accreditation: Must Finance Faculty Really Publish or Perish?" Financial Practice and Education 1 (1991), 53-56.
Petry, G. H. "A History and Analysis of Scholarly Papers Presented at the Seven Academic Finance Associations from 1939 Through 1980." Financial Management 10 (1981), 93-104.
Petry, G. H. and R. J. Fuller. "A Comparison of Institutions Publishing in Finance Journals with Those Presenting Papers at Finance Association Meetings." Journal of Financial Education 8 (1978), 53-57.
Schirm, David C. "A Comparative Analysis of Journal Outlets in Business Education: FInance and Other Business Disciplines." Advances in Financial Education 2 (Fall, 2004), 26-47.
Schwert, G. W. "The Journal of Financial Economics: A Retrospective Evaluation (1974-1991)." Journal of Financial Economics 33 (1993), 369-424.
Shrader, M., K. Hickman, and D. Friesner. "Finance Conferences: Measuring Quality by Publication Record." Advances in Financial Education 5 (2007), 46-61.
Spiegel, Matthew. "Reviewing Less-Progressing More." The Review of Financial Studies 25 (May, 2012), 1331-1338.
Thakor, A. V. "A Brief Retrospective and Prospective Look at the Journal of Financial Intermediation: 1990-1998." Journal of Financizl Intermediation 7 (1998), 331-337.
Tomkins, J. G., S. Nathan, R. H. Hermanson and D. R. Hermanson. "Coauthoring in Refereed Journals: Perceptions of Finance Faculty and Department Chairs." Financial Practice and Education 7 (1997), 47-57.
Zimmerman, J. L. "Improving a Manuscript's Readability and Likelihood of Publication." Issues in Accounting Education 4 (1989), 458-466.
Zivney, T. L. and W. J. Bertin. "Publish or Perish: What the Competition is Really Doing." The Journal of Finance 47 (1992), 295-330.
Zivney, T. L. and W. Reichenstein. "The Pecking Order in Finance Journals." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1992), 77-87.
Zivney, T. L., R. E. Callaway, and W. J. Bertin. "The Publication Experience of Meeting Presentations." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 94-98.
Characteristics of Published Finance Research and Related Items
Alderson, M. J., A. Nasseh, and A. Saporoschenko. "The Relative Significance of Finance Journals: Authors and Articles - An Update." Advances in Financial Education 8 (2010), 106-125.
Alexander, J. C. and R. H. Mabry. "Relative Significance of Journals, Authors, and Articles Cited in Financial Research." The Journal of Finance 49 (1994), 697-712.
Berger, D. and H. J. Turtle. "Financial Research on Main Street: Productivity within Land Grant Institutions." Journal of Financial Education 32 (Summer, 2006), 20-44.
Borde, S. F., J. M. Cheney and J. Madura. "A Note on Perceptions of Finance Journal Quality." Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 12 (1999), 89-97.
Borokhovich, K. A. and R. Chung. "Financial Research: Evidence from Recent Graduates of Doctoral Programs." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 85-92.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker and B. J. Simkins. "Financial Management's Success as an Academic Journal." Financial Management 28 (1999), 76-82.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker and B. J. Simkins. "Journal Communication and Influence in Financial Research." The Journal of Finance 49 (1994), 713-725.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker and B. J. Simkins. "The Streams of Financial Research and Their Interrelationships: Evidence from the Social Sciences Citation Index." Financial Practice and Education 4 (1994), 110-123.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker, K. Brunarski and B. J. Simkins. "Finance Research Productivity and Influence." The Journal of Finance 50 (1995), 1691-1717.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker, K. Brunarski and B. J. Simkins. "Finance Research Productivity and Influence by Topic Area." Journal of Financial Education 24 (1998), 8-21.
Borokhovich, K. A., R. J. Bricker, K. R Brunarski, and B. J. Simkins. "The Institutional and Geographic Distribution of Authorship in Finance Research." Financial Practice and Education 8 (Spring/Summer, 1998), 41-50.
Chan, K. C. "A Citation-Based Ranking of Journals in Financial Research: Some New Results." Journal of Financial Education 27 (Fall, 2001), 36-52.
Chan, K. C., C. R. Chen, and H.-G. Fung. "Pedigree or Placement? An Analysis of Research Productivity in Finance." The Financial Review 44 (2002), 87-111.
Chan, K. C., C. R. Chen, and T. L. Steiner. "Production in the Finance Literature, Institutional Reputation, and Labor Mobility in Academia: A Global Perspective." Financial Management 31 (Winter, 2002), 131-156.
Chan, K. C., C. R. Chen, and T. L. Steiner. "Research Productivity in the Finance Profession in Asia-Pacific." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 9 (2002), 265-280.
Chan, K. C., R. C. W. Fok, and M.-S. Pan. "Citation-Based Finance Journal Rankings: An Update." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 132-141.
Chan, K. C., P. P. Lung, and E. R. Wolfe. "Research Ranking of Finance Departments: A Threshold Citation Approach." Advances in Financial Education 6 (Summer, 2008), 1- 20.
Chen, C. R., and Y. Huang. "Author Affiliation Index, Finance Journal Ranking, and the Pattern of Authorship." Journal of Corporate Finance 13 (2007), 1008-1026.
Choi, Yoon K. and Stanley D. Smith. "Finance Conference Awards and the Quality of Publications." Advances in Financial Education 2 (Spring, 2004), 104-111.
Chung, K. H. and R. A. K. Cox. "Patterns of Productivity in the Finance Literature: A Study of the Bibliometric Distributions." The Journal of Finance 45 (1990), 301-310.
Chung, K. H., R. A. K. Cox, and J. B. Mitchell. "Citation Patterns in the Finance Literature." Financial Management 30 (2001), 99-118.
Chung, K. H., R. A. K. Cox, and J. B. Mitchell. "Publication Vs. Citation: Impact on Scholarly Contribution." Advances in Financial Education 3 (Fall, 2005), 48-59.
Cooley, P. L. and J. L. Heck. "Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: A Half Century of Contributions." Journal of Finance Literature (2005), 46-69.
Cox, Raymond A. K., Kee H. Chung, and John B. Mitchell. "A Stochastic Model of Citation." Journal of Financial Education 29 (Spring, 2003), 26-36.
Ederington, L. "Aspects of the Production of Significant Financial Research." Journal of Finance 34 (1979), 777-786.
Faircloth, S. and S. Swidler. "The Publishing of Real Estate Articles Within a Finance Department." Journal of Real Estate Literature 6 (1998), 111-117.
Griffiths, M. D. and D. B. Winters, "Inferring Promotion and Tenure Research Hurdles: What the Data Say." Journal of Financial Education 31 (Fall 2005), 1-25.
Hamelman, P. and E. A. Mazze. "Citation Patterns in Finance Journals." The Journal of Finance 29 (1974), 1295-1301.
Heck, J. L. and P. L. Cooley. "Most Frequent Contributors to the Finance Literature." Financial Management 17 (1988), 100-108.
Heck, J. L. and P. L. Cooley. "Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: A Half Century of Contributions." Journal of Finance Literature 1 (Winter 2005), 46-69.
Heck, J. L., P. L. Cooley and C. M. Hubbard. "Contributing Authors and Institutions to the Journal of Finance: 1946-1985." The Journal of Finance 41 (1986), 1129-1140.
Hickman, K. A. and J. R. Nofsinger. "Predicting the Research Productivity of New Finance Professors." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 93-98.
Holder, M. E., F. W. Langrehr, and D. M Schroeder. "Finance Journal Coauthorship: How Do Coauthors in Very Select Journals Evaluate the Experience?" Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 142-152.
Houghton, K. A. and R. Bell. "Evaluations of Accounting and Finance Journals: The Australian View." International Journal of Accounting 20 (1984), 179-187.
Hubbard, R. and D. E. Vetter. "An Empirical Comparison of Published Replication Research in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, and Marketing." Journal of Business Research 35 (1996), 153-164.
Hubbard, R. and D. E. Vetter. "Journal Prestige and the Publication Frequency of Replication Research in the Finance Literature." Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 36 (1997), 3-13.
Jalbert, T., S. Alangar, and N. Young. "Additional Evidence on Prolific Authors in Finance Over the Past Half Century." Advances in Financial Education 6 (Summer, 2008), 21-66.
Keys, P. Y., W. L. Owens, and P. A. Turner. "A Gender Analysis of Productivity and Quality in Finance Research." Journal of Financial Education 35 (Spring, 2009), 66-79.
Kim, E. H., A. Morse, and L. Zingales. "Are Elite Universities Losing Their Competitive Edge?" Journal of Financial Economics 93 (2009), 353-381.
Klemkosky, R. C. and D. L. Tuttle. "A Ranking of Doctoral Programs by Financial Research Contributions of Graduates." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 12 (1977), 491-497.
Klemkosky, R. C. and D. L. Tuttle. "The Institutional Source and Concentration of Financial Research." The Journal of Finance 32 (1977), 901-908.
Kuipers, D. R. and S. W. Pruitt. "The External Funding of Academic Finance Research." The Financial Review 43 (2008), 477-507.
Mabry, R. H. and A. D. Sharplin. "The Relative Importance of Journals Used in Financial Research." Journal of Financial Research 8 (1985), 287-296.
McNulty, J. E. and J. Boekeloo. "Two Approaches to Measuring Journal Quality: Application to Finance Journals." Journal of Economics and Finance 23 (1999), 30-38.
Millet-Reyes, B. and B. Bailey. "Internet Access, Journal Ranking, and Citation Performance." Journal of Financial Education 34 (Fall, 2008), 28-58.
Niemi, A. W., Jr. "Institutional Contributions to the Leading Finance Journals, 1975 Through 1986: A Note." The Journal of Finance 42 (1987), 1389-1397.
Oltheten, Elisabeth, Vasillis Theoharakis, and Nickolaos G. Travlos. "Faculty Perceptions and Readership Patterns of Finance Journals: A Global View." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40 (2005), 223-239.
Schweser, C. "The Doctoral Origins of Contributions to The Journal of Finance From 1964 Through 1975." The Journal of Finance 23 (1977), 908-910.
Seiler, M. J. and V. L. Seiler. "Insiders' Look Into the Publication Process for Finance Journals." Journal of Financial Education 30 (Spring, 2004), 1-17.
Tanner, G. "Referee Characteristics and Journal Quality." Financial Practice and Education 10 (Spring/Summer, 2000), 123-131.
Urbancic, F. "A More Efficient Application of the Editorial Board Approach for the Identification of Leading Research Finance Departments." Advances in Financial Education 3 (Fall, 2005), 123-134.
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Last updated: January 10, 2013