Academic Scandals: The Worst


Ok. This category is reserved for the most awful cases of misconduct in academia. Typically that means child pornography, human trafficking, and murder.


The Dean of Integrity

You would think the dean in charge of the university’s honor system would be above reproach. No. Don’t trust these folks either. Don’t even trust them to not behave in the most reprehensible manner possible. That was the case of LSU’s dean of the student honor system. It seems that a work-study student found child pornography on an office computer. The student dutifully turned it in to the dean but then later checked on what the dean had done with it. When his answer was suspicious, she contacted someone higher up. We’re wondering how the man in charge of honor code violations could be so disgusting and then so stupid as to think that what’s on university computers is his personal and protected property. We’re not sure where he is now, but he was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2005. But one major mystery remains. It seems that he had a previous conviction of this sort, so we’re wondering how LSU missed it. No further information on this little inconvenient truth is to be found.


Agriculture Scholars and Bestiality:  Not a Good Combination

Another embarrassing story for LSU, when a 25-year veteran professor at the AgCenter was found to have child and animal pornography on his university computer. The repulsive collection included videos of people getting way too friendly with horses, dogs, and other animals. At least we’re relieved to know, in the scholarly world of agriculture professors, he was a specialist in cotton and not cows, pigs, and chickens. This disgusting piece of humankind also had pornography involving human children, including infants. Turns out he was also in possession of pot in his car, but we’re thinking that was the least of his problems. He pled guilty and got a five-year sentence.


The Physics of Porn

A University of Tampa physics professor was arrested in Florida for crimes committed in Georgia involving videos that had a 9-year old girl in them. He was apprehended while apparently setting up with a partner to engage in sex acts as depicted on the video, as suggested by the fact that he was in possession of a young girl’s underwear. Ugh. This is tough to write. But people need to know. Read with disgust.

Murder, He Wrote

Fortunately, most college professors don’t commit murder. But don’t automatically assume it. It seems that a professor at the University of West Georgia, got into an argument in a restaurant, was asked to leave and then went into a parking garage and randomly shot and killed a young future student of the college who was sitting in her car. How utterly sad. You never know when you’re going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wish she’d had a gun to defend herself.

From the Classroom to the Pen

A tenured and prize-winning professor of English at Alleghany College was sentenced to six years in jail for possession and distribution of child pornography. Although expressing remorse, he blamed his possession of over a half million such images, which he had well-organized and catalogued, on addiction and bipolar disorder. His lawyer asked for lenience based on his illness and that he was a hoarder.  We all do a bit of hoarding, but obviously this was disgusting and excessive by even the worst hoarder’s standards. Let’s hope TLC doesn’t make a series on how to organize your collection of this kind of filth.


This is not Engineering

The chairman of the Merrimac College Department of Civil Engineering was found to be in possession of child pornography. Once again, a disgusting piece of academic humankind accessed it on a university computer. We’re wondering how you teach engineering and don’t know that whatever you do on a university computer can be found without a search warrant by university officials. Oh well, that’s not the full story. It seems this fellow was also the director of the school’s summer residential camp for middle and high schoolers. OMG! We don’t even want to think about how much he enjoyed that part of the job, though, who knows? Maybe those kids were too old for him. Ugh!.


Kudos for Dropbox

If you don’t think Dropbox has the ability to monitor what’s uploaded to its server, then you’re a total tech klutz. In this case, Dropbox notified authorities of child pornography. The cops then traced it to an associate professor and chair of graduate studies in English at the University of Alabama. We’re not a big fan of Dropbox, but our opinion has risen a bit thanks to this.



Math Notes

A Hendrix (Arkansas) College professor of Mathematics was arrested for being in possession of more than 150 images of child pornography. We don’t want to generalize, but we hope the sex lives of mathematicians (wouldn’t that make a good academic article title?) is within the law.


It’s Not Always Men

Well, it usually is, but not in this case. The biology instructor at Wallace Community College in Dothan, Alabama was charge with 30 counts of sexual abuse, eight counts of sodomy and two counts of traveling to meet with a child for an unlawful sex act. She ultimately pled guilty to 12 counts.


Getting Happy in Happy Valley

We’re not sure if the folks who live and go to school at Penn State are as happy as the nickname of their area, but we’re thinking this distinguished Penn State chemical engineering professor was carrying it way too far. Let’s just say if you like collies, tree branches, Tootsie Pops, and John Deere tractors you may not want to read this. Dude, these things are not sex objects. They’re not even sex toys.


No Internet for you Today!

A mathematics lecturer at the University of Houston was caught with child pornography. Among other restrictions, he was banned from the Internet, which is kind of an unenforceable punishment. I mean, how do you monitor that, what with friends and public computers? We hope he was imprisoned with ony math books to read.



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Last updated: May 12, 2024