Academic Scandals: Sexual Misconduct

There’s no shortage of stories in this category because academics are people. That’s no excuse. We just mean they commit sexual offenses just about as often as others.


Tit for Tat

Sex-for-grades is a definitive no-no. In fact, anything for grades is a definitive no-no. In spite o the  massive amount of worthless indoctrination our universities shove down our throats, we don’t require ethical and sexual harassment training to know that. In this case, a controversial Pro-Hamas professor drew attention to himself following the October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks that killed about 1,200 Israelis. As with Harvard president Claudine Gray’s remarks about antisemitism that led people to begin wondering if her scholarly work was as original as she claimed, this fellow should have known that his past would resurface. He had been the subject of an investigation a couple of decades earlier at Columbia in which he began an affair with a graduate student, exchanging grades for sex. He had formerly been Iran’s ambassador to the UN and claimed diplomatic immunity, but that doesn’t last forever. Fortunately Oberlin, with the help of some anti-regime Iranians, suspended the guy.


Nobel Behavior

It didn’t take long after the announcement of a Nobel Prize in economics for former students to come forward and assert that the distinguished economist at Washington University in St. Louis had gotten a bit too friendly with some students. He’s alleged to have had an affinity for Chinese females, who set out to warn each other. Taking the matter seriously, that distinguished midwestern university launched an investigation and, as usual, released no further information, Let us know if you hear anything. Read the story here. We must add that when the distinguished news agency Bloomberg decides that getting too friendly with students was newsworthy on their platform, we are a bit shocked.


Teacher-Student Sex. Never a Good Idea. Even in the Ivy League

We’re pretty sure it happens more often than you’d think. But in the Ivies?  Aren’t they all about education? Ha. The world’s greatest scholars and students fool around as much as they do anywhere else. Apparently in 1995 the University of Pennsylvania established a policy prohibiting sex between professors and students, during the period of the teacher-student relationship. So prior to 1995, it was free love for all at Penn, which suggests the great university might have been inspired by its philandering founder, Benjamin Franklin. This case occurred in 2017 and involved a tenured department chair in psychology. Interestingly, the course was called “Human Morality and Emotions,” giving whole new meaning to the sub-field of “experimental psychology.” It was never clear what, if any, action Penn took, but it subsequently banned all relationships between faculty and students, whether the former was teaching the latter or not. Probably a good idea. Especially in the Ivy League. Let’s hope Franklin would have agree, but we’re not sure.


Pimping Out

Well, it’s not often you hear those words used to describe a professor’s relationship with students. But accusations from several students that three professors at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York raised, or lowered the bar, to that level. The charges not only included groping, rape, drugs, but encouraging students to have sex with faculty colleagues. We’re not sure what the code of conduct is at a college of criminal justice, but we suspect it doesn’t permit the above. The professors deny the charges, but the president did agree that the behavior was unacceptable. It’s not clear with the school ever did about it.


The Tallahassee Trifecta

Florida State University dealt with three major cases involving professors behaving badly with students. So, in one case the professor was the director of the Family Institute, which studies how to have healthier environments for children. We are not making this up. This professor also had published a paper on divine forgiveness. We’re not sure if he asked for it. Another professor, a microbiologist holding an endowed chair, sent an erotic email to a student. We’re kinda thinking no professor who believes that an erotic email that is intended to be private should be on a university faculty. The third, a music professor, had had sex with students, though it is not clear if the encounters were harmonious.


Get these Rapists off the Faculty

Rape is a dammed serious thing and deserves to be addressed by not only the law but by the university. Fortunately, the University of California at Davis did just that to this chemical engineering professor. It seems that the victim was a high school student!


Give me Liberty

Abduction by force seems to run at odds with a school named Liberty. This professor of English who teaches American Sign Language was accused of doing that as well as sexual battery. The article, however, adds a reference to many women complaining about sexual misbehavior and being ignored by the university. Definitely not good!


What can Brown do to You?

No. We’re not talking about UPS. What the distinguished Ivy League university should be doing for you is giving you a great education and a nice degree to carry around all of your life. In this case, however, an assistant professor in  cancer pathology at Brown snuck up behind a young woman, groped her and rubbed against her in a lab. He then threatened to get her kicked out of the program. You know, you’d think such atrocious behavior would at least be put off until he got tenure, not that this would make it any less serious.


Free Love at Berkeley

It’s not the 60s, dude. When a professor runs his hand down a graduate student‘s spine to her buttocks, discovers she didn’t want him to do that, and then simply tells her to forget it, you’ve got to figure things are going to get worse. Setting aside the obvious illegality of the act, perhaps he should have said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea you didn’t want me to touch your beautiful ass.” In this case, a world-renown UC Berkeley philosophy professor is facing exactly what he deserved. You Kant make this up.


Professor Sugar Daddy

Well, you learn something every day. We didn’t know there was a “sugar daddy” web site. When your professor is hanging out there, you gotta figure he’s not the most trustworthy fellow on campus. So somehow this professor at Bridgewater state meets a student and wants her to be his dominatrix. He sends her pics of his sex toy collection. We’re not sure how the two got together, but somehow he ends up sending a woman money by Venmo in exchange for sex. He was charged with rape and all sorts of sex crimes, including illegal trafficking of a person for sexual servitude. Someone needs to whip some sense into that dude. And Venmo! Really? Guess he didn’t want a receipt.


Psychiatry is not the Study of Genitalia

While yes, we know that the brain is the most powerful sex organ in the body, we’re sure that sexual misbehavior cannot be justified in the study of psychiatry. Of course, psychiatrists study sex and have it just like others, but apparently this Yale psychiatry professor got way too close to students. He lured a number of Yale undergraduates to a research facility in St. Kitts and molested some of them over a period of several decades. This behavior included inappropriate medical exams.


This ain’t Brain Surgery

That is, to drug a prospective student’s drink. Wait, no, back up the truck. To go to a bar with a prospective student. Then of course he, a Penn neurosurgeon having access to some pretty powerful drugs, slipped one in her glass. Next thing you know, he’s raping her. How in the world does someone with as much talent as this person make such a disgusting mistake?


Tree-Dating, not People-dating

A renown University of Tennessee scholar who studies tree-dating was found to have engaged in sexual misconduct for virtually his entire career. Dude, go hug some trees.


No way, Jorge

A distinguished professor of Latin American studies and former vice provost at Harvard was found to have been sexually assaulting females over several decades. Despite complaints, Harvard did nothing and continued to promote him, all the way to vice provost. Eventually he retired. But it’s deeply troubling that there were allegations against him before he was promoted.


MeToo Reversed

The relationship between a doctoral student and the dissertation advisor is always a close one. Fortunately, most of the time it remains professional. But there is all sorts of room for it to cross the line. But what makes this story from NYU so unusual is that the dissertation advisor, a professor of German and comparative literature, was a woman and the doctoral student was a man. Further compounding the confusion is that the defendant professor claimed they were both gay, suggesting the allegations were unlikely. She was alleged to have committed sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking. NYU suspended her for sexual harassment. Numerous other professors came out in her defense. The student filed a lawsuit. What a complicated story.


Sex and the Seminary

We’re wondering if Carrie Bradshaw would have had more action at a seminary than in the Big Apple. Sadly, these high-moral institutions have plenty of immoral shenanigans. Unfortunately, this woman engaged in a pressurized affair for 10 years, and when she came forward in the hope of helping others, they treated her like Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter.


Midwestern Misconduct


Here are a handful of sexual misconduct cases at that large midwestern university nicely summarized in the following article.


Psych Ward at Dartmouth


It isn’t necessarily inappropriate for professors to socialize with students. There are often gatherings at various places . But when the socializing involves hot tubs, there are all sorts of mischief possibilities. Apparently three psychology professors at Dartmouth got way too close to some of their students, including one allegation of rape. Three in one department? Is this serious. It’s a large department (currently 32), but sexual predators are usually widely distributed across the academy. What the hell is going on here?


It’s Not the Crime. It’s the Coverup. Oh Yeah?

It’s both. It seems a Montgomery (MD) college professor teaching an all-female class made the students wear sports bras and take their shirts off in class. The college fired the professor but refused to name him. Apparently not all students had to participate, as the creepy professor inspected them and granted some an exception. Not sure if a woman who got an exception should be offended or relieved. When the Department of Education Division of Civil Rights completed an investigation the story became public and the shit hit the fan. People were upset that the college had covered it up. As it turns out, however, the names are not supposed to be revealed. We’re not sure what the guy was teaching, but he did get fired, thankfully.


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Last updated: May 12, 2024