Academic Scandals: Research Misconduct

Research misconduct is one of the worst misdeeds a professor can do, other than directly hurting someone. It leads to false information entering the body of knowledge. It would not be accurate to claim it is common, but it seems to happen more than you’d think. But research misconduct is a small fraction of the total number of research studies. Now, research incompetence, carelessness, and an obsession with spinning one’s research findings in an overstated manner are far more common. There is no way I can document many cases of research misconduct, as there are so many. I’ll just highlight a few that I think were particularly egregious. But please, refer to the following sites for retracted research, which occurs for a variety of reasons.


When You Study Honesty:  Part I

This scandal, which hit the Duke University Fuqua School of Business, involved one of the most noted psychologists in the scholarly world. The author of several highly successful books and a regular columnist at The Wall Street Journal, this guy was admired by many, including myself. But when things didn’t add up in a highly cited study he did on honesty, the shit hit the fan. It’s what happens when your data look like they’ve been changed by the only person who had handled it after it was sent to them by a corporation. And the distinguished psychologist was the only one who handled the data. As is often the case, when you come under suspicion, they start looking at more of your studies, and indeed, there was  a pattern of things not adding up. Duke investigated and as with most academic investigations, never made the results public, as far as we know. He still teaches at Duke. And read Part II below.

When You Study Honesty– Part II

What is it with business school psychologists who study honesty? As if the Duke story isn’t enough, the noted Harvard Business School could not be outdone. Of course, the fact that this Harvard lady and the Duke guy worked together on some projects does make you think that data irregularities might be par for the course. In her case, many of her co-authors who did not have access to the data but trusted her are banding together and reviewing the accuracy of her work. This story is still going on.


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Last updated: May 12, 2024