Academic Scandals: Miscellaneous


This is a catch-all category. Typically what falls in this category won’t be horrible but just terribly inappropriate.


The Potty-Mouth Professor

Well, this one hits close to home? I have worked at LSU for 20 years, and I am truly disturbed by the actions of this professor. But I am also an advocate of free speech. And yet, I expect people to use some discretion. I can tell you that at LSU, it is hammered into us that sexual references are not appropriate for faculty-student discussions, in class or out, unless of course it is for legitimate academic discourse. So when this professor in the School of Education was the subject of complaints about extremely inappropriate language both in the classroom and in discussions in her office, I wished she had exercised some restraint. While I don’t take kindly to generalized disparaging remarks about all men, as if we are all a bunch of scuzzbags, she can believe it. In some cases, she can say it, such as at a bar with friends. Talking to students?  No. She ought to exercise some restraint. Some students are uncomfortable hearing this stuff. But she fought it. LSU fought it. She lost. And we lost what was probably a good teacher who was so angry over something personal that she couldn’t keep it out of her conversation with students and classroom discussion. This is a sad and embarrassing story for all involved.


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Last updated: May 12, 2024